gary1212のブログ : マレーシア、イポーでの生活。

滞在期間がマレーシア以外の時も 含んでいます。



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オリンピック無観客 ( 祝日のオリンピック期間中への移行)

Q: Which holidays will be moved?

A: Sports Day, Oct. 11, will be moved to July 23, the day of the opening ceremony of the Olympics, and Marine Day, July 19, will be shifted to July 22, the day before the ceremony. Mountain Day on Aug. 11 will be moved to Aug. 8 for the closing ceremony, but since it is a Sunday, the following day, Aug. 9, will be a substitute holiday.

10/11:  スポーツデー
7/19:   海の日
8/11:   山の日


10/11→7/23  (開会式)

7/19 → 7/22 (開会式前日)

8/11 → 8/8 (閉会式)  & 8/9(振替休日)


緊急事態宣言下で東京地区が無観客となっても 地方は違うなら、「祝日」の移行は 実施されるということかな。


Likely to have no spectators at the games in Tokyo area and that staff in attendance should be kept to a minimum.

A ban on spectators at Olympic events held in Tokyo would presumably not apply to those in other prefectures, including surfing in Chiba and marathons in Hokkaido.

One source, however, said the decision could ultimately be up to governors.

以上 (7/8記)