gary1212のブログ : マレーシア、イポーでの生活。

滞在期間がマレーシア以外の時も 含んでいます。



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知られていないスマホの5機能 ( フェーク情報か? )

ChrisがWhatsAPP で転送してきた『知られていないスマホの5機能』だが、本当だろうか?

( Mobile Phone って書いてあるが 携帯電話(ガラ携帯)のことじゃなくて スマホのことだろう。)


Very useful 👍👍👍

In grave emergencies, your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival.

1. Emergency Services

The Emergency No. worldwide for all Mobile Phones is 112.
If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and your mobile will search any existing network in your area to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked. This works on all phones worldwide and is free.

世界上どこでも、緊急電話は 112をダイヤルすれば その地域のネットワークを探して繋がる。

2. Locked your keys in the car?
If you lock your remote keyless car keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their mobile phone from your cell phone.
Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button on the spare key, holding it near the mobile phone on their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you.
Distance is no object. You could be thousands of miles away.
Editor's Note: I didn’t believe this when I heard about it! I rang my daughter in Sydney from Perth when we went on holiday. She had the spare car key. We tried it out and it unlocked our car over a mobile phone!

車の中にキー(電子キー)を置いたままロックしてしまった場合でも 自宅に予備キーがあれば どんなに遠方でもオッケーだ。 自宅にいる人が予備キーを自宅スマホの前で アンロックボタンを押すと 電波がスマホのネットワークを経由して 車の近くのスマホに飛んできて 車のドアを開けることができる。

3. Is your mobile phone battery flat ? All handphone have Hidden Battery Power.

To activate, press the keys *3370# (remember the asterisk). Do this when the phone is almost dead. Your mobile will restart in a special way with this new reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery life. This reserve will be recharged when you charge your handphone next time.
This secret is in the fine print in most phone manuals which we skip without realizing.

スマホのバッテリーが完全に上がってしまっている場合でも *3370#  を押せば良い。 ( *を忘れずに。)
そうすれば 「バッテリー寿命が50%増し」 になる。

4. Disabling a STOLEN mobile.
To check your handphone's serial number, key in following digits on your phone:
* # 0 6 #
Ensure you put an asterisk BEFORE the #06# sequence.

A 15 digits code will appear on the screen that is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. If your handphone is ever stolen, phone your service provider and give them this code.
They will then be able to block your handset so even if the SIM is changed, your handphone will be totally useless. And even if you don't get your phone back, at least it can't use/resold either. If everybody did this, there would be no point in people stealing mobile phones.
This secret is also in the fine print of most mobile phone manuals. It was created for the very purpose of trying to prevent phones from being stolen.

まず スマホの 製造連番を事前に調べる。 * # 0 6 # を入力すれば、15桁の製造連番が表示されるので 紙に書き留め保管しておく。
スマホが盗まれた場合、契約している電話会社に この製造連番を伝える。
そうすれば スマホを盗んだ悪者が Simカードを交換しても、スマホ本体の機能停止になるように電話会社の方で操作する。


5. ATM PIN Number Reversal - Good to Know !!!

If you should ever be forced by a robber to withdraw money from an ATM machine, you can notify the police by entering your PIN # in reverse. For example, if your pin number is 1234, then you would put in 4321. The ATM system recognizes that your PIN number is backwards from the ATM card you placed in the machine. The machine will still give you the money you requested but unknown to the robber, the police will be immediately dispatched to the location. All ATM’s carry this emergency sequencer by law.

This information was recently broadcast by Crime Stoppers. It is, however, seldom used as people just don't know about it.

警察には 直ちに「逆順入力」があったことがシステム通報され、警察はATMの場所を特定でき、すぐに現場に駆けつける。
一方 ATMの画面では 通常画面どおり 「次に金額を入力してください」 という表示になるので 強盗は 画面を見ていても 警察にシステム通報されているということはわからない。

Please pass this along to everyone.

This is the kind of information people don't mind receiving, so pass it on to your family and friends.



Chrisに もし 強盗にATMまで連れられてPin入力をさせられた場合 Pin番号が 8008 ならどうするんだ? と返信してみた。

すると彼からは マレーシアでは Pin番号は 6桁だぞ と返事が来た。


以上 (9/25記)