gary1212のブログ : マレーシア、イポーでの生活。

滞在期間がマレーシア以外の時も 含んでいます。



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旅行はキャンセルした (新規感染者数の爆発的急増  リカバリーインデックス)

1) 旅行キャンセル


オミクロンで オミコロンになるといけないから。

2) 水際対策 延長


The Japanese government has decided to continue the border enforcement measures that have suspended new entry of foreigners in principle due to the spread of infection with the new variant "Omicron strain".


Announced on January 7, 2022

As emergency precautionary measure from a preventive perspective, new entry of foreign nationals is suspended for the time being.

3) リカバリーインデックス

リカバリーインデックスは 日本は上位だ。 (マレーシアも上位だ。)

After the above article as of January 5th which says “Japan is beginning to see a rebound in infections, apparently fueled by omicron, with daily new cases exceeding 1,000 for the first time in three months on Tuesday. The numbers could continue to rise as people return from New Year's holidays, when crowds were seen at airports, train stations, shrines and temples. If that happens, Japan's ranking would fall further from the current 12th.” ,
now , as of January 9th, , it becomes More than 8000 of new daily cases actually.


ただし 他国も同様に順位が下がると 結局 日本は同じくらいの順序でとどまることになるかも。

以上 (1/11記)


こんな調子じゃ exponencial increase in japan だ。

以上 (1/14記)