gary1212のブログ : マレーシア、イポーでの生活。

滞在期間がマレーシア以外の時も 含んでいます。



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隔離期間の区分基準 : 免除〜5日〜7日

1)  国内感染/濃厚接触

Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said the quarantine period for those with close contact to Covid-19 cases is now five days for those who have received their booster doses.

濃厚接触者であるブースター接種完了者 :  5日間

However, the quarantine period remains at seven days for other close contact cases who have received one to two doses of vaccines or were unvaccinated.

濃厚接種者であるワクチン接種0、1、2回の人 :  7日間

Those with close contact will be required to undertake the RTK-Ag (antigen) test on their own or at the nearest health facility if they were to develop symptoms.

濃厚接種者は 症状が出た場合には、RTK-Ag (antigen) test が必要。

If they were without symptoms, they are also required to take the antigen test at a health facility on the fifth day if under a five-day quarantine or on the seventh day if under a seven-day quarantine.

濃厚接種者で無症状の場合は、検疫隔離期間5日間の場合には5日目に、検疫隔離期間7日間の場合には7日目に RTK-Ag (antigen) test が必要。

Khairy said Covid-19 positive cases, for all variants, will be quarantined for seven days for all who were fully vaccinated and did not display any symptoms.

陽性反応のワクチン接種完了かつ無症状の人:  7日間

“Those who were not fully vaccinated or unvaccinated or are displaying symptoms, will be quarantined for 10 days,” he said in a statement today.

陽性反応のワクチン接種未完了者、又は症状ある人 : 10日間

He said the quarantine periods will be in force from tomorrow onwards and this will also apply to those who are currently under quarantine.

2) マレーシア入国時

The quarantine period for travellers who just arrived in Malaysia will remain the same as what he had announced a few days ago, he added.



( 直近の感染回復者は 検疫隔離免除 :  マレーシア入国11~60日前に新型コロナウイルスに感染した者への入国後隔離措置を免除)

以上 (1/16記)