gary1212のブログ : マレーシア、イポーでの生活。

滞在期間がマレーシア以外の時も 含んでいます。



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張文宏と鐘南山 ( 感染症 : 中国2人の専門家 ファーウエイ)


スマホで有名なファーウエイが全世界にいる従業員向けに 著名な 張文宏医師を招いてコロナ感染に関するオンライン公演をしたが その概要は次のとおりだ、という内容のSNSだ。 ( 参考1)

中国には 感染症に関して 二人の著名な専門家医師がいる。


二人のことが書いてある記事 (参考2、3) を読んだが、ファーウエイが 張文宏を選択したのは興味深い。


夜更かししないで 充分な睡眠をとること。

屋外で 散歩 joggingをすること。



感染回復者からは移らない。( → 回復者が再度陽性になる事例が確認されたので 不確定)







China's giant tech company Huawei invited renowned expert on infectious diseases Dr Zhang Wenhong /张文宏医师 to do a two-hour online lecture and Q and A with Huawei employees deployed worldwide. 50-year old Zhang is a graduate of Fudan University in Shanghai and is a high-ranking member of the CCP.


Temperature: Don't expect the corona virus to disappear at higher temperatures. It disappears only at 50C and above, and that kind of temperature is present only at the equator.

Vaccine: It will not be available soon. China and US are leading in the research on the vaccine, with China cooperating with France and doing tests on monkeys. The soonest the vaccine can be available is one-and-a-half years.

Time frame: The virus will not die down in a few months. It will continue for one to two years, with situations in East Asia and South East Asia more controllable. The adjustments will be long term.

Most worrisome: The most worrisome countries are India, South America and Africa. These countries have poor health facilities. Nutrition is also not so good.

Prevention: 1. Handwashing is most important. Wash hands frequently. 2. Get enough sleep. Don't stay up late. 3. Even with masks on, maintain a safe distance when talking to people.

Symptoms: 1. Fever and coughing are not necessarily symptoms. Can quarantine and rest at home. Going to hospital can lead to infection. 2. When you are short of breath and feel some tightness in the chess walking the stairs from first to third floor or walking 200 meters on flat surface, must see a doctor.

Diet for patients: As there is no cure yet for the virus, the best way for patients to recover is thru appropriate food. Must increase protein intake. Eggs, fresh milk, fish, beef.

Cases (Shanghai): About 80 percent of patients got well thru proper diet and combination of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine or TCM. About 20% got well with the aid of ventilators. Only 3 to 5 percent of really serious patients needed insertion of tubes. Children are almost all mild cases.

After treatment: 1. Basically no side effects. Unlike SARS which causes lung fibrosis. 2. A treated patient can no longer contaminate other people. 3. Not sure yet if treated patients develop antibodies or immunity.

At the office: 1. No data can show that the virus is transmitted thru central air-conditioning. Cases were thru direct transmission. 2. The most dangerous surrounding in an office building is the elevator. 3. If the office has windows, better to open. If no windows, better to wear mask even in the office.

Face masks: 1. No need to change face mask every 4 hours in a normal setting. At home, one can reuse face mask after warming it under sunlight. 2. Don't remove face mask at the same time with another person near you, especially in an airplane, or at the dining table.

Staying healthy : 1. Don't get too tired. Tiredness lowers the resistance and weakens the immune system. 2. Don't lose too much weight. It can be an indication of not having enough nutrients, especially protein. 3. Don't put on too much weight either. Obesity can be crucial in serious cases. 4. Get enough exercise to avoid gaining too much weight. Walk and jog if possible. 5. Go outdoors and walk in the park if possible. Just observe safe distancing.

TO summarize, increase protein intake, wash hands frequently, wear face mask, do more physical exercises, avoid stress and maintain a happy spirit.






以上 (4/14記)