gary1212のブログ : マレーシア、イポーでの生活。

滞在期間がマレーシア以外の時も 含んでいます。



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これまではMCO違反で逮捕、これからはSOP違反で逮捕 (ペラ州のMM2Hに関連する項目)

CMOCは6月9日まで延長されることになった。 これを延長CMCOと呼ぶ。

MCOからCMCOに変更、つまり「緩和MCO」となったので 延長CMCOにおいても警察の取り締まりは緩和されることになるのか どうかは微妙だ。


なお「当初CMCO (5月4日から12 日)」と「延長CMCO (5月13日から6月9日)」とは どう異なるのか、は次の記事が分かり易い。

Here’s a quick summary of the new rules for the extended CMCO (May 13-June 9) and how it compares to regulations for the initial CMCO (May 4-12):


7. Private and public land transport rules stay the same

Just like before, a private vehicle can carry a maximum of four persons — driver and three passengers — if they are all staying in the same house, while any licenced land, sea or air public transport provider can still only carry half of its total maximum capacity of passengers for each journey. 
( 同一世帯なら4人までは自家用車の同乗オッケー、なお陸上輸送機関(鉄道/バス)、航空機、船舶ほかの公共交通機関は定員数の半分まで)

And just like before, a driver of a “hire car, taxi cab, airport taxi cab, limousine taxi cab or e-hailing vehicle” cannot carry more than two passengers for each journey.
(タクシー、リムジンタクシー、空港タクシー、グラブ などはお客様2人まで) 

10. The penalty stays the same

Breaching the CMCO is still punishable by a maximum fine of RM1,000, maximum jail term of six months, or both.

Also maintained is the requirement for any Malaysian citizen, Malaysian permanent resident, expatriate returning from abroad to undergo health checks upon arrival in Malaysia.

11. New prohibited activities: Pubs, casino, gambling

Newly added to the list of prohibited activities during the CMCO are two types of activities:

- “Activities in pubs and night clubs, including restaurant business in pubs and night clubs”
( パブやナイトクラブはダメ)

- “Betting, sweepstake, lottery, gaming machine or games of chance activities such as gambling, number forecast, slot machine and horse racing gambling or betting, and activities in casino”

The list of prohibited activities still includes the 13 previously listed, including barber shop and hair salon services, with the rest still disallowed during CMCO being:
( まだ理容院は営業禁止のままだ。)

Entertainment, leisure, sports, recreational activities, religious, cultural, art festivities’ activities, business activities that may cause a crowd to gather; as well as activities at centralised labour quarters, employees’ hostel and dorms which may cause a crowd to gather; and installation and maintenance of machinery activities such as lift, escalator, boiler or tower crane at construction sites in groups which may cause a gathering.

Also still prohibited under the CMCO are the fitting of clothes or using fitting rooms in clothing stores or trying on fashion accessories in stores or providing cosmetic testers in stores; filming movies, dramas, documentaries and advertisements; and cruise ship activities, tourism services and services at accommodation premises falling under the Tourism Industry Act.
(洋服の試着もダメ、 クルーズ旅行もダメ、 よくわからないのが tourism services and services at accommodation premises falling under the Tourism Industry Act.のところだ。)

CMCO regulations also still prohibit theory and practical examinations for shot-firer for mining and quarrying industry; certification for agri commodities; and sales and marketing of financial services industry and banking carried out in public places or outside of the premises of financial institutions and banks; as well as commercial activities involving sales and marketing that are carried out in public places or not within business premises — but not including food business at food courts, hawker centres, food stalls, food trucks.
( レストラン、フードコート、ホーカーセンター、道路沿い屋台、トラック屋台 は営業オッケー:  ただしペラ州では施設内での飲食は禁止 )

以上 (5/14記)