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MM2H 新基準 (その4) ( 香港人の立場から : SCMP香港拠点メディア)

SCMP サウスチャイナ・モーニング・ポスト (South China Morning Post、南華早報) は、香港で発行されている日刊英字新聞だ。




The new rules will apply to all new applicants, even those whose submissions were put on hold last year, and people who want to renew their MM2H visas.

昨年に新規申請の提出済みの人にも新基準を適用して審査する としている。 (えっ、そうなの?)

But for Hongkongers who were considering Malaysia as a migration destination on the back of a rise in people leaving the city, the new rules seem prohibitive.


A Hong Kong worker, who had considered enrolling in the MM2H programme several years ago to benefit from Malaysia’s spacious homes, relaxed lifestyle and reasonable cost of living, said the ongoing political turmoil in the country was also a deterrent

マレーシアの住居の広さ、リラックスした生活スタイル、安い生活コスト などというメリットを感じていた香港人も 最近のマレーシアの政情不安を懸念。

Jessie Ong, director of Overseas Living (MM2H), an MM2H visa consultancy, said the requirement for 40,000 ringgit in monthly income would be tough to fulfil given the poor economic climate caused by the pandemic, especially for retirees

年金生活者にとって 月額40000RMの所得条件は困難だ。  (自営業継続できる金持ちの香港人なら気にならない と思うけど?)

“I thought it was a great place to retire, but I’ve changed my mind because of the political instability,” said the professional, who asked that her name be withheld for privacy reasons.

マレーシアはリタイア生活に良い場所と思っていたが 政情不安じゃ 考え直す と言う人も出ている。

“Last year’s suspension of MM2H applications was disappointing for those who invested their time and money. I’m not sure if reviving the scheme will instil confidence in people to register for it.”

Still, she said she knew of existing MM2H visa-holders in Hong Kong who were keen on retiring in Penang, a state on Malaysia’s northwest coast that’s popular with tourists.

既に MM2Hビザ取得済みの香港人の中には ペナンでのリタイア生活に意欲あり の人もいる。

Ong, the MM2H visa agent, estimated that roughly 1,200 Hong Kong passport holders currently live in Penang. Before the pandemic, the MM2H scheme was “affordable and attracted many Hongkongers”

ペナンには約1200人の香港人MM2Hが暮らしている とみられる。

“The kids love studying in the international schools. (For example) the dad who works in Hong Kong would shuttle between Hong Kong and Malaysia and spend holidays together. They enjoy the life and the arrangement is perfect for the family,” she said.

マレーシアのインタナショナルスクールに通わせているが、そのような子供の教育環境に満足しているので、引き続き 私たち親は香港で働いて 定期的にマレーシアにホリデー感覚でやってきて、家族団欒を楽しみたい、と言っている香港人MM2Hビザホルダーもいる。

Hongkongers with MM2H visas who spoke to This Week in Asia said they hoped the Malaysian government would ease some rules, such as requiring a smaller fixed deposit amount for those who had already bought Malaysian properties costing more than 1 million ringgit. They also asked for a reduction in the offshore monthly income requirement.

香港人MM2Hビザ既存ホルダーの中には 10年更新の新基準について 既に1ミリオン以上の住宅購入済みの人については 担保定期預金の金額基準を軽減(減免)して欲しい と言っている人もいる。

Loke Lai Ming, business development director of Global Resources, said her clients from mainland China and Hong Kong whose MM2H applications were suspended could not wait and left Malaysia during the pandemic. Many felt insecure about the country’s political and economic situation. They hope the new fees would be lowered in October before they consider reapplying for the scheme, she said.

MM2H申請中の香港人の多くは マレーシアの政情と経済状況に不安を感じている。

Ong said many Hongkongers were still planning to move to other countries such as Britain, which was drawing a similar rate of interest.


As a Malaysian, Ong said she hoped the best quality participants could go to Malaysia. However, if the fees were not lowered, she said the existing Hong Kong participants told her they would probably not renew their visas and move to other places equally wanting to attract investment in the aftermath of the pandemic.
香港人MM2Hビザ既存ホルダーの中からは 新基準適用なら 更新はせずに どこか他の国に移動する人が 特にパンデミックの余波として それなりに少なからず出てくるんじゃないか。

The standard agent fee for assisting MM2H applicants is 10,000 ringgit.

David Chang, a property agent at Meridin Properties in the Malaysian capital, said Hong Kong MM2H participants usually bought 2,000 sq ft flats and houses in Kuala Lumpur’s KLCC, Bangsar and Mont Kiara areas.

香港人MM2Hビザ既存ホルダーは 通常 2000sqft の住宅(コンドミニアムやハウス)を KLで購入している。 (だから これからも金持ち香港人を逃すと マレーシア経済にはダメージあるぞ 。)

There are currently 57,478 MM2H residents in Malaysia, including dependents.

With Malaysia banning arrivals from 23 countries due to their Covid-19 case numbers, people from those places will not be allowed to apply for the MM2H visa when applications reopen in October.

Between 2002 and 2018, there were 43,943 applications from 131 countries approved, of which 1,087 came from Hong Kong. The scheme is most popular with mainland Chinese and Japanese.

現在 MM2Hビザ既存ホルダーの人数は 57478人。
なお、2002年から2018年までの期間で 131カ国から 43943人の申請者中、香港人は1087人。



やはり 香港人としては 政情が気になるのだ。

日本人の私としては マレーシアの政情が安定していないからと言っても 首相退陣デモが起こっているタイとか 軍事政権のミャンマーのような国とは違い、 それほど気にならない のだが、香港人は (一国二制度崩壊を肌身で感じているだけに) 政情の安定性にはとても敏感だ。
