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イスマイル・サブリ・ヤアコブ (経歴/主義)

A lawyer before he joined politics, Ismail held several ministerial posts in UMNO governments. In 2015 Ismail courted controversy as trade minister when he urged Malay consumers to boycott profiteering Chinese businesses. He was also slammed for supporting the vaping industry, which is dominated by Malays, despite health warnings from the health ministry.



トレード担当相だった時には 華人系ビジネスを儲けさせないようにボイコットしようと消費者に呼びかけたことがある。


In 2018 polls, Ismail waved the racial card, warning that every vote for the opposition was akin to eliminating special privileges given to Malays under a decades-old affirmative action program.

2018年選挙では 「野党に投票するなんてことをしたらこれまで何十年も続いてきたブミ優先政策がなくなってしまうぞ、マレー系保護がなくなってもいいのか」、というマレー人種優遇キャンペーンを展開した。

Ismail was made defence minister when Muhyiddin took power in March 2020, and became the government’s public face through daily briefings on security issues related to the pandemic. He was Ismail, a lawyer by education, is a vice president of UMNO. He has the support of a faction of parliamentarians who supported Muhyiddin despite party president Ahmad Zahid's move to officially withdraw support for the previous government.

ムヒディン政権下では 防衛大臣となったあと、広報兼パンデミック危機対応担当の上級相。

UMNOでは副党首として 党首のザヒドがムヒディン支持を撤回した際も ムヒディン擁護を継続。

The 61-year-old Ismail is a fourth-term lawmaker. He started his public life as the minister for youth and sports in 2008, under former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. He has been a federal minister ever since, except for a short spell in the opposition between 2018-2020. He also served as the parliament's opposition leader for a year.



Ismail is married with four children. One of his sons is a well-known singer in Malaysia, while his son-in-law is Indonesian fashion designer Jovian Mandagie.


息子の1人はマレーシアでは良く知られた歌手であり、 又義理の息子はインドネシア人のファッションデザイナーJovian Mandagieだ、(と言われても知らないがWEB検索すると出てくるので有名デザイナーなんだろう)。,

以上 (8/20記)