gary1212のブログ : マレーシア、イポーでの生活。

滞在期間がマレーシア以外の時も 含んでいます。



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MM2H新基準 (既存ホルダーは心配無用 : Home Minister)

テロインタンのLimが 最新記事が出ているよって リンク先を送ってくれた。

Home minister Hamzah Zainudin has told foreigners already enrolled in the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme and living here not to worry about the new conditions set by the ministry.

ただし 『 無条件で「心配無用」と受け取って良いのか、どうか』は まだ分からない。

“For example, for those who have stayed in the country for more than 10 years, we will look for ways to continue allowing them to reside here. If possible, those who stay here should be of quality and are capable of helping us economically.”

10年以上滞在している人 って書いてあるが、これは「10年更新を迎える既存ホルダーは」、という意味だろう。 


Hamzah added that the conditions were tightened after the immigration department found that more than 7,000 people enrolled in the programme were believed to be not residing in Malaysia.

He said these individuals would only enter and stay in the country for a short period of time, particularly just to register for the programme and renew their passes.


こう言った人の10年更新については 要件を厳しくしますよ、っていうんだろうか。

“The improvements made to the application conditions are to ensure that only those who are of ‘good quality’, genuine and who can really contribute to the nation’s economy are allowed to join the programme,” he said.

既存MM2Hホルダーで かつ ちゃんと長期滞在生活をしている人であっても、食事はホーカーでケチって経済飯ばかり食べているMM2Hは マレーシア経済に貢献しない ので、そんなMM2Hには10年更新は認めませんよ、 って言いたいんだろうか。



“For those who have truly made Malaysia their second home, we will look at how they can continue to live here,” he said.

以上 (9/1記)