gary1212のブログ : マレーシア、イポーでの生活。

滞在期間がマレーシア以外の時も 含んでいます。



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UMNO 青年部リーダー (スーパーカーコレクション)

一体収入源はどこからなんだ? と思ってしまうのも無理はない。


A quick search online showed that other than being a politician, Nazir is also the chairman of Bank Rakyat Foundation.

Their family is rich. The wealth will never deplete even after seven generations.

ふーん そうなんですか。。。

In his latest video uploaded on Instagram, he addressed the issue by saying that he is not a wakil rakyat (representative of the people) and there is no instance in which he will receive the rakyat’s money or misuse it. Other than that, he also confirmed that he is not a civil servant.

The UMNO Youth Chief mentioned that he does not hide his lifestyle as he does not have a need to.

“I’m not a wakil rakyat, it’s just that my position is the UMNO Youth Chief. And if I did anything wrong, such as scamming people or evading my taxes, it will be very easy to find me. I do not hide my lifestyle.”

というのが 本人からの説明である。

以上 (9/5記)