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AI 契約書チェック ( NYの法律事務所就職の小室さん)



NYの法律事務所に就職する小室さんも この記事を読んだかなぁ?

法律事務所に限らず、一般企業の法務部門での業務も AIを効率的に利用する時代に突入している。

Based on our assessment of the companies and offerings in the legal field, current applications of AI appear to fall in six major categories:

1) Due diligence – Litigators perform due diligence with the help of AI tools to uncover background information. We’ve decided to include contract review, legal research and electronic discovery in this section.

2) Prediction technology – An AI software generates results that forecast litigation outcome.

3) Legal analytics – Lawyers can use data points from past case law, win/loss rates and a judge’s history to be used for trends and patterns.

4) Document automation – Law firms use software templates to create filled out documents based on data input.

5) Intellectual property – AI tools guide lawyers in analyzing large IP portfolios and drawing insights from the content.

6) Electronic billing – Lawyers’ billable hours are computed automatically.

Next, we’ll explore the major areas of current AI applications in law, individually and in depth:

以上 (10/2記)


もしそうなると AIよりも営業だな。

以上 (10/8記)