gary1212のブログ : マレーシア、イポーでの生活。

滞在期間がマレーシア以外の時も 含んでいます。



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WISE に入金  (保有制限: 日本設定なら100万円vsマレーシア設定はRM20,000)


保有制限額 RM20,000


(as of March 6th, 2024)

日本円 ¥
US$ $ 

Total in MYR : RM 


RM . (Transfer from account of bank on March xth, 2024)


Ground Total : RM 
RM (under the most current ex rate )


Wise ATM withdrawals at home and overseas

You can make some fee free ATM withdrawals with your Wise card, in Malaysia or abroad, every month¹. You’ll get up to 2 withdrawals to the value of 1,000 MYR/month free - with fees of 1.75% + 5 MYR after that.

If you’re withdrawing overseas and don’t have the currency you need in your account, the auto conversion feature will switch from your Wise balance at the point of withdrawal. The money you need will be deducted from the balance you hold that incurs the lowest available fees, and you’ll get the mid-market rate with no foreign transaction fees to worry about.


アカウントあたりに毎月2回、合計1000 MYRまで無料で現金を引き出せます。その後は出金ごとに5 MYRがかかります。出金額が1000 MYRを超えた場合は1.75%の手数料が発生します。


以上 (3/8記)