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キャメロン高原 人種カード

Dr M accepts Cameron Highlands defeat but claims BN use race card

キャメロン高原での補欠選挙に関し、「希望同盟(PH)の敗因は 国民戦線(BN)が “人種カード” を使ったためだ」とマハティールがコメントした。

人種カード(race card) の意味は次のとおりだ。


人種カード:弁護側の法廷戦術として, 事件の人種的側面に焦点を当て, 事件が人種差別や人種的偏見に基づくものであると陪審員に訴えること

play the race card



記事を読んだが どういう文脈なのか、今ひとつ 良く分からない。


でも 記事には rural areas という表現はあるが ジャングルの中に住む人 とは書かれていない。


“We had a proper by-election, there was no hanky panky. This winning by them (BN) is not surprising, especially as it was in a rural area and they were always strong in rural areas.

“They played the racial issue it’s too bad. But this is the decision of the people and we accept,” he told reporters after a closed-door meeting with statutory bodies, here.

Dr Mahathir said based on the Cameron Highlands defeat, the government needs to address the issues of high cost of living that is affecting the rural areas.

“We have to know more about what they are not happy about. Among the things affecting them is the high cost of living.


記事には poor people という表現もあるが、それがオランアスリを意図しているのか。


“High cost of living for rich people, it does not mean anything. But for poor people, it is a big problem.

“And these are poor people living in rural areas. We must find ways of reducing the cost of living as well as to help them earn a better income,” he said.


以上 (1/29 記)