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マスク着用 禁止の国と奨励の国 2 ( フランス、ドイツ、 ノルウェー、オランダ、 月光仮面 )

香港では デモ行進で 覆面をすることは禁止する法律が施行されたが、この覆面禁止法は ヨーロッパのいくつかの国では 既に導入済み だ。

まずは フランスだ。

The ban on masks follows repeated calls from some pro-government politicians who said similar measures had already been adopted in Europe.

France introduced a ban on demonstrators wearing face masks earlier this year in response to the country’s “yellow vest” movement.

ほかにも ノルウェーがある。

Other European countries had enacted bans against protesters wearing face masks but they came with little to no punishment, analysts said.

Norway had a ban on face masks at demonstrations and other public gatherings under the Police Act, but it was not part of criminal law, Johan Boucht, professor of criminal law at the University of Oslo, said.

“There is a marked difference between preventive measures for the purpose of maintaining law and order, and criminal law, ” Boucht said.

“It only gives ground for the police to intervene, but as to what action the police can take, it is a matter of proportionality depending on the circumstances.”


In Germany, where wearing masks during demonstrations has been forbidden since the 1980s, there are no jail terms for offenders and the fines do not normally exceed €300 (RM1,300). If a large number of protesters defy the ban, German police disperse the crowd rather than make mass arrests.

Full-face coverings are also controversial in France and other parts of Europe for a different reason. Islamic veils such as niqabs and burkas were seen by some as a form of discrimination against women and violation of freedom of religion, with some countries banning them in public places.

オランダでは (デモ行進ではなく) 公共の建物(学校、役所、病院など) でベールで顔を隠すのは 禁止するという法律が上院で通過した。

Last year, the Dutch upper house of Parliament passed a law banning the wearing of face-covering veils in public buildings such as schools, government offices and hospitals.

Germany’s Parliament had already backed a ban on full-face veils for civil servants, judges and soldiers, while Austria and Bulgaria have also banned facial coverings.

そう言えば ブルカ/ヒジャブ着用を禁止にした国があった。

確か フランスもそうだ。

これらの国では 月光仮面は現れない。

Hong Kong follows France’s face mask ban | The Star Online

以上 (10/9 記)