gary1212のブログ : マレーシア、イポーでの生活。

滞在期間がマレーシア以外の時も 含んでいます。



不特定多数の方に情報を早く正確に伝達したい というつもりでは全く書いていません。

このためローカルの友人からもらった情報で、それが不確実な情報でも 私が関心を持ったものは 書いています。

繰り返しますが 読者のみなさんへの確実/正確/迅速な情報提供をしたい と思って書いているのではありません。

それじゃ困る と思う方は どうぞ 読まないでください。


Gymが解禁に ( スイミングプールはまだクローズ、 WHO's statement)



Members can now get back into a fitness routine with the gym open from Monday, 15 June from 7:30am - 8:00pm.

It’s important that we all take increased measures to stay safe. Let’s work together to ensure the gym is maintained to the highest standards of hygiene.

Pre-book your gym session, allocating a maximum of one hour for each session. Simply book your preferred exercise time, machine / equipment. You are allowed to book for your next gym session only after 5:00pm daily, call 05 525 1582.

Safety measures include:

• Health declaration made on MySejahtera App.

• Temperature check before entering the gym. Anybody with temperature above 37.5c and above will be denied entry.

• Sanitise your hands prior to entry.

• Please use the sanitiser spray to wipe down equipment

• A maximum number of ten people in the gym and five people in the studio are permitted at one time. Reserve your exercise time early, as each session is limited to one hour. Extension of exercise time is subject to availability. Any reserved exercise session not taken after 15 minutes, will be opened to any waiting members.

• Walk-in members are allowed to use the gym if there are less than ten users, with exercise machine/equipment available. However, duration remains the same as the previous user’s session.

• Please leave the gym room immediately after use.

• Bring your own towels, exercise or yoga mat.

We’ve increased the cleaning frequency of our facilities. Please protect yourself and others around you.

Stay safe, stay healthy.


これまでは、夕方頃ふらりと行ったりしていたのだが、これからは予約が必要で、かつ利用時間も1時間に制限される。 ( ただし、空いているならwalk in もOK、延長もOK)







Q:  Any update for swimming pool?

A:   the swimmimg pool remains closed until we have the directions to open..
In the meantime you can enjoy the rest of the facilities(driving range,gym,fitness centre, fitness studio,cycling,walking around the resort with our scheduled weekday walks and of course restaurant )

要するに ご当局からの解除指示が出ていないので、クローズ継続中 と言うことで、いつ解除指示が出そうとか そう言ったことは何も書いていない。

マレーシア政府としては WHOからこんな見解が出ている以上、当面 解除は無理なんだろうな。

Lo noted that Covid-19 spreads primarily from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth, which are expelled when a person carrying the virus coughs, sneezes or speaks.

“People can become infected when they are in close proximity to others or touching objects or surfaces around a pool that other people have touched, then touching

でもWHOのコメントを良く読むと プライベートクラブでの少人数でのスイミングなら必ずしも危険性が高いという内容ではない。

それなら Gym と同様に、「事前予約 + 時間制限」 でスイミングもオッケーにしてもらいたいものだ。
