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飲酒/薬物/無謀運転 厳罰化  (追記: 軽傷事故でも最低懲役7年)  ( 法令改正 国会通過)


官報掲載を経て 厳罰化は正式法令になる。 ( ← 追記 参照 )

(改正内容 要旨)

Those causing death while driving under the influence will be imprisoned between 10 and 15 years, and fined between RM50,000 and RM100,000.

Transport Minister Wee Ka Siong said the poor and the rich would be fined equally as a deterrent against reckless driving or driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs.


The minimum fine for first-time offenders will be raised from RM5,000 to RM20,000, with the maximum fine raised from RM20,000 to RM50,000.

First-time offenders will face a minimum of five years in jail, compared with two years currently. The maximum jail term remains at 10 years.


For subsequent convictions, offenders will be fined between RM20,000 and RM100,000, compared with the current fine of RM5,000 to RM50,000.

Prison time for subsequent offenders will also be increased to between 10 and 15 years.

First-time offenders will not be allowed to hold a driving licence for a maximum of five years. 
For subsequent offences, the penalty will be doubled to 10 years.


For those causing death while driving under the influence, the punishment will be imprisonment of between 10 and 15 years, and a fine of between RM50,000 and RM100,000.

以上 (8/27記)


官報掲載を経て 正式法令になる と書いたが、厳密には以下のとおりだ。

The Road Transport (Amendment) Bill 2020 was passed in the Dewan Rakyat on Aug 26 and will be tabled for the Senate’s approval before being sent to the King for royal assent to become the law.

8月26日時点では 国会下院を通過した状況であり、この後 上院での承認を経て 国王からの同意を得て ようやく法令になる、ということだ。

官報への掲載は 国王からの同意の後になる のだろう。

なお上記の記事を読むと こんなことが書いてある。

including a minimum seven year jail term for causing death or injury.

飲酒運転で (死亡のみならず) 怪我をさせた事故については 最低でも懲役7年 という改正内容になっている。

“For corruption, a former prime minister was just sentenced six years for each of the four convictions, but if the RTA amendment is passed, a drunk driver that causes injury (not death) at the very least will be sentenced to seven years.

ということは 怪我の程度がどんなに軽くても 懲役7年以上の実刑となるわけで これでは ナジブ元首相が先日判決を受けた1MDB 関連の4事案での刑期が6年 (上告中) だったということと比較して あまりにアンバランスだ。

だから 人権擁護団体からは 最低懲役刑は撤廃するようにという意見が出ている。
果たして 上院/国王 段階で修正が加えられて最終法令になるのか?

以上 (9/1記)