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格付け会社からみたマレーシア経済  ( ムーディーズ信用格付け トリプルA 維持



January 28, 2021 -- Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has today affirmed the Government of Malaysia's local and foreign currency long-term issuer and local currency senior unsecured debt ratings at A3. The outlook remains stable.

The stable outlook reflects Moody's view that risks to the credit profile remain consistent with the A3 rating level based on current assumptions.

  Moody's does not expect the coronavirus pandemic to have a sustained negative impact on Malaysia's economic model; as such, the current and any subsequent waves of infections will delay, but not materially hinder the economy's eventual return to high growth rates. 

The authorities' track record of effective macroeconomic policies, including prudent fiscal policies, has also continued to lengthen, despite ongoing noise in the political landscape.



on current assumptions :  現時点での想定/前提において;

1) コロナパンデミックが経済に与える影響は深刻なものとはならず経済成長率を重大に妨げるほどのものにはならないと予想。

2) 政情は騒ついているものの、慎重な財政政策を含む効果的なマクロ経済政策は堅調。


Moody's expects real GDP growth in Malaysia to rebound in 2021, growing by around 6% after a sharp contraction last year. This is in part driven by base effects, although the government's fiscal package, including ongoing support for wages, public infrastructure spending, and incentives for private investment will support domestic demand.

The ongoing wave of infections and the recently reimposed Movement Control Order (MCO) for nearly the entire country pose downside risks to 2021 growth, even as the government has allowed more than 90% of economic sectors to continue operating, albeit under strict procedures. Nevertheless, beyond 2021, Moody's expects the Malaysian economy to grow strongly by an average of 5-5.5% over 2022-23, higher than the median of 3.4% over the same period for similarly rated peers

This assumes that the government can effectively curb the spread of the virus as it balances its health and economic priorities.



マレーシア政府には 健康と経済の優先度合いのバランスをよく勘案して効果的にウイルス感染拡大を抑え込む能力がある ということを想定している。


以下 略。

( 感想:   ムヒディン政権はよく頑張っているし、これからも上手く頑張るだろうという評価だな、これは。)
