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Pfizerの対デルタ株有効性は88% ( 2回接種で一安心 Sinovacは不明

Wednesday's study found that two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech's shot was 88 per cent effective at preventing symptomatic disease from the Delta variant, compared with 93.7 per cent against the Alpha variant, broadly the same as previously reported.

Two shots of AstraZeneca vaccine were 67 per cent effective against the Delta variant, up from 60 per cent originally reported, and 74.5 per cent effective against the Alpha variant, compared with an original estimate of 66 per cent effectiveness.

ファイザー:  有効性 : 88%  (発症の症状に対しての予防効果)

アストラザネカ : 有効性 :67% 

情報源 :  The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, confirms headline findings given by Public Health England in May




でも 「 非有効性 = 12% 」 なので 今後もダブルマスク着用を継続だ。

以上 (7/22記)



( デルタ株に対して「ファイザーの有効性 : 発症で87.9% 」 となっているが、Sinovac については 「不明 」と書いてある。)

以上 (7/23記j