gary1212のブログ : マレーシア、イポーでの生活。

滞在期間がマレーシア以外の時も 含んでいます。



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JPJ 道路税 更新 : その3  ( 郵便局でも )


Pos Malaysia will resume road tax and driving licence renewals at all its post offices from Monday (Aug 9) by appointment.

It said in a statement today that customers can book an appointment through the Outlet Finder feature at or Pos Malaysia’s mobile application starting tomorrow (Aug 8), adding that the appointment was necessary to avoid overcrowding at their premises.

“A customer is permitted to book only one appointment slot per day and perform a maximum of three transactions per appointment,” it said in the statement.

Pos Malaysia also urged customers to adhere to standard operating procedures such as wearing a face mask, checking body temperature, scanning of MySejahtera code and observing the one-metre physical distancing rule at the premises and to avoid visiting its outlets if they were feeling unwell or experiencing Covid-19 symptoms.

Customers can also extend their enquiries to AskPos at or via their Pos Malaysia mobile application.


郵便局でも 道路税/免許証 の更新ができる。

でも 事前に予約して 郵便局に出向く必要がある。

JPJに行って 並ぶよりも 楽だろうが、日本に滞在中の私にとっては 利用のしようがない。

以上 (8/8記)