gary1212のブログ : マレーシア、イポーでの生活。

滞在期間がマレーシア以外の時も 含んでいます。



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偽物Puls Oximeter に注意 ( 正しい計測方法)

An ideal blood oxygen level is between 95% and 100%. Meanwhile, an ideal heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm).

適正値は 酸素濃度 95%以上 脈拍数 60から100。

ボールペンを入れても酸素濃度99%を計測してしまうなら 偽物だ。

In a news segment by Formosa TV, a Taiwanese customer found that the pulse oximeter he bought online was able to give him a reading after testing it on a stuffed toy.

India Today reported that consumers in India have also found oximeters that could obtain readings from other inanimate objects such as pens and toothbrushes.

台湾やインドでは 偽物PlusOximeter が出回っているそうだ。


私も Amazonで 購入したが、中国製だ。

後ほど ボールペンを入れてチェックしてみよう。(→ チェック結果: 計測不可だったのでOK。)


Follow these instructions to obtain the best reading: 

- Remove any nail polish or false nails and warm your hand if cold. 指先が冷えていたら温めてから

- Rest for at least five minutes before taking your measurement. 5分安静

- Rest your hand on your chest at heart level and hold still. 胸に手をおく

- Switch the pulse oximeter on and place it on any finger. 指はどの指でも

- The reading takes time to steady. Keep the pulse oximeter in place for at least a minute, or longer if the reading keeps changing. 最低1分経ってから読み取る

- Record the highest result once the reading has not changed for five seconds. 5秒間変動しなくなってから最高値を

- Be careful to identify which reading is your heart rate and which is your oxygen level. 酸素濃度と脈拍数を 逆に読まないこと。

以上 (8/13記)