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新首相 イスマイルサブリ  (MM2H新基準への影響は?)


Ismail Sabri secured majority support with 114 lawmakers out of the 222-seat parliament backing him, The Star and other media reported.



Ismail Sabri's government might not be stable either given his slim majority.

今後パンデミックが一段落して総選挙できる状況になるまでの間、イスマイルが政権を担当することなるが、でも絶対的多数を確保した訳じゃないので 短期政権で終わる可能性もある。

"And he was part of the previous administration. Policies will more or less be the continuation of the same," he said

また 彼はムヒディン政権では主要閣僚だったことから 多かれ少なかれ これまでと似たような政策を引き継ぐだろう と見られている。

( → ということは MM2H新基準の法制化及び適用方針に変化なし だろうか、気にかかる。政権交代になれば、、、と、ちょっとだけ期待していたが。。。)

The king is scheduled to meet with the country's other senior royals on Friday. A decision on the new prime minister is likely to be announced after that.

国王は 明日(8/20)に 他のスルタン達と会って、最終協議したうえで 新首相の発表をする段取りのようだ。



Ismail, a lawyer by education, is a vice president of UMNO. He has the support of a faction of parliamentarians who supported Muhyiddin despite party president Ahmad Zahid's move to officially withdraw support for the previous government.

The 61-year-old Ismail is a fourth-term lawmaker. He started his public life as the minister for youth and sports in 2008, under former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. He has been a federal minister ever since, except for a short spell in the opposition between 2018-2020. He also served as the parliament's opposition leader for a year.

Ismail is married with four children. One of his sons is a well-known singer in Malaysia, while his son-in-law is Indonesian fashion designer Jovian Mandagie.
(息子の1人はマレーシアでは良く知られた歌手であり、 又義理の息子はインドネシア人のファッションデザイナーJovian Mandagieだ、(と言われても知らないがWEB検索すると出てくるので有名デザイナーなんだろう)。


1MDB問題で大ダメージのUMNOだったが、サブリ新首相擁立で、UMNOは playing second fiddle脇役政党から主役政党に復活か。

If confirmed, Ismail Sabri's appointment would mark the return of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) party to leadership, three years after its defeat in a general election because of widespread corruption allegations, especially around the multi-billion dollar scandal at investment fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

UMNO, which governed the country for over 60 years before that, was part of Muhyiddin's coalition but balked at playing second fiddle. Two governments that came after the polls proved to be fragile and short lived.


以上 (8/19記)