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国境再開 2 ( NRC議長ムヒディン前首相 コロナ陽性)



Commenting on NRC chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s proposal on reopening Malaysia’s international borders, Teo claimed that Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has downplayed the proposal by saying that the government needs to reconsider it with other related ministries and agencies including Health Ministry (MoH), Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (Motac), and the Immigration Department.

ヒシャムディン国防大臣からは 「国境再開に関しては健康省や文化観光省を含む諸関係大臣との慎重協議が必要」 とのコメントが出ている。

つまり、NRCからの発表は 内閣との事前協議無しで 発表されたもので、先走りだというのだ。

“So, there is a question mark as to whether the Cabinet and the NRC will work together and communicate in determining the future of the country's recovery or will they continue to fluctuate and issue media statements that contradict each other,” she said in a statement.

She also noted that Muhyiddin’s position as the chairman of NRC has the same status as other Cabinet members, which means that the latter was given responsibility and benefits like other ministers.

Teo also said that such contradictory statements between government agencies will only confuse the public and create uncertainties especially among those affected by the economic recession due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

She questioned whether Muhyiddin's appointment as the NRC chairman right after he resigned as the prime minister was merely a facade.



まぁ 色々なご批判はあるだろうが、別にいいんじゃないか、ムヒディンがNRC議長になったって。

気になるのは 過去健康問題が取り出されてきたムヒディンなので、コロナ感染で重篤症状にでもなったら、一気に国境再開の掛け声が縮んでしまう可能性がある という点だ。
