gary1212のブログ : マレーシア、イポーでの生活。

滞在期間がマレーシア以外の時も 含んでいます。



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Sharp Washing machine (ドラム回転時に変な音がする: Customer Service の対応


YouTube で調べてみると 多くの場合、コインなどがドラムのどこかに残っている場合にそんな音がすると書いてある。




シャープのカスタマーセンターを調べて 修理手配してもらえるか メールで照会してみた。


Dear Sharp customer service

My name is Gary (in Ipoh, Perak).

The Washing machine which I bought several years ago now suddenly occurs some noises/sounds when it goes to spin function.

( So far nothing wrong with the washing machine except the noises.)

Model : ESX715

Can the CUSTOMER SERVICE arrange to send some technician (from ur
Ipoh branch?? : No.9 & 9A, Jalan Medan Ipoh 7, Bandar Baru Medan, 31400 Ipoh, Perak.
Tel: 05-546 0846/547 0984 Fax: 05-546 5929)
to my house to check and repair it?

( About how much will the repair cost be? : Including labor charge, visiting charge , parts cost)

My contact :

1) email: 
2) Cellular phone : 011
3) Address:  Ipoh, Perak

From Gary 




Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for writing to Sharp Service Malaysia.

Please be informed that you would need to lodge a report first before our Sharp Ipoh Branch could assign a Technician to come to your house.

As for the cost, please refer below for the charges applicable (Out Of Warranty)
1. Checking Fee: RM75.00 (exclusive transportation fee)
2. Service Repair Fee: Parts + Labour (to be quoted after technician checking)

Please note that before any repair, the Technician will first need to check on the unit in which charges will be applicable for out of warranty repair.

Kindly confirm if you would like to lodge a report for onsite service.

Thanks & Regards 




Dear Sharp Customer Service

Yes, I confirm that I would like to lodge a REPORT(*see below) for the on-site service.

I understand the charges/cost written in the text below that I have to pay.

(Can I pay by credit card?, or cash only? or Touch &Go?)

I appreciate if a technician could come over my house during either (1) before July 30 or (2) after August 3 since I will be out of town from July 31 until August 2.


The Washing machine which I bought several years ago now suddenly occurs some noises/sounds when it goes to spin function.

( So far nothing wrong with the washing machine except the noises.)

Model : ESX715

My contact :

1) email: 
2) Cellular phone : 
3) Address: Ipoh, Perak

From Gary 



そうしたら、直ぐに返信が来た。 ここまでの対応はさすがに日本企業(台湾?)のシャープレベルで素晴らしい。
Greetings GARY 

Thank you for connecting with Sharp Service Malaysia.
Please be informed that we have received your email on 25/07/2023 and your Report ID is 2307/004850.

We would advice that you quote 2307/004850 to our Service Team member should you wish to enquire On the service request status.
The authorised service contractor will be contacting you within 5 working days.

Important Note
Please ensure to present to the Sharp Malaysia's authorised service contractor on the completed warranty card and proof of purchase when the in warranty servicing is requested.
For more information on the warranty terms and conditions, kindly visit

You may also email us at should you seek further assistance. Please be informed that our operation hours are Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.30pm; excluding Saturday, Sunday, Public Holidays and Replacement Public Holidays.

Thank you for supporting Sharp and have a good day.

Kind Regards
Sharp Service Malaysia

This email is auto generated and the information transmitted by this email is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed. If you have received this email by mistake, please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to anyone or make copies thereof.



オーソライズドサービス専門業者となると マレーシア資本/地元経営だろう。

The authorised service contractor will be contacting you within 5 working days.

 果たして 5日以内に 連絡が来るのか。。。


I appreciate if a technician could come over my house during either (1) before July 30 or (2) after August 3 since I will be out of town from July 31 until August 2.

また支払い方法についての回答もないので、それも オーソライズド修理業者から連絡が来たら 要確認だ。

以上 (7/25記)



1時間くらいかけてチェックした結果、ドラムと連結している部品を取り替える必要がある とのことなので 部品発注を依頼した。

部品到着までには数日かかるというので、安全性を見て 8月7日に再度 部品交換に来てもらうことにした。


Lazada でシャープの7kg 洗濯機の値段を調べたら、約RM800からRM900くらいだ。

新品を買うよりも修理する方が安い ということで RM320 で特段の不満はないが、ちょいと高い気持ちもする。
