gary1212のブログ : マレーシア、イポーでの生活。

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ワクチン接種2  (首相発表: 3段階に分けて実施予定)

本日(2/4)発表の首相説明では ワクチン接種計画は以下の3段階になっている。

フェーズ1;  医療関係者: 2月下旬から4月

Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has given the details on who will be involved in the three Covid-19 vaccination phases, with the first phase to be rolled out at the end of this month.
He said the first phase will involve some 500,000 health and non-health frontliners and is expected to end in April.

フェーズ2: 高齢者ほか:4月から8月

The second phase will involve Covid-19 high-risk groups, namely senior citizens, vulnerable individuals with comorbidities and disabled persons. This is expected to go on from April to August, involving around 9.4 million people.

フェーズ3: 18歳以上の成人: 5月から来年2月

The third phase of the programme will involve adults aged 18 and above, who will be given the jabs from May this year to February next year, running concurrently with the second phase.

以上 (2/4記)