gary1212のブログ : マレーシア、イポーでの生活。

滞在期間がマレーシア以外の時も 含んでいます。



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マレーシア 非常事態宣言 延長なし;  混乱国会での政府決定 (8月1日で終了、混乱国会)

2021/1月/12日に発表された非常事態宣言(2021/1/11〜8/1)だが、8月1日期限到来後の延長はしない と政府は発表した。


KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia's state of emergency will not be extended after it expires on Aug 1, the government said on Monday (July 26), even as opposition MPs flayed the Muhyiddin administration for refusing to allow the House to debate the proclamation that has been in effect for seven months.

Parliament had been effectively suspended since a state of emergency was declared in January, purportedly to tackle surging Covid-19 infections. But the crisis has only worsened.

Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin earlier this month agreed to convene Parliament after pressure from the King, Sultan Abdullah Ahmad Shah. He called the five-day special sitting, which began on Monday, only to brief MPs on his government's National Recovery Plan for the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since April, cases have surged in Malaysia, setting new highs for daily infections and deaths.

Parliament will reconvene for a normal sitting only on Sept 6.

Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim accused the Prime Minister of "treason", insisting that the King had asked for Parliament to be reopened with a normal sitting to allow the emergency - as well as the ordinances gazetted - since it was proclaimed on Jan 11 to be voted on.

"I do not want the Speaker to be dragged into this treachery," he said to Speaker Azhar Harun during the morning session.

Datuk Azhar responded to several opposition MPs, including former premier Mahathir Mohamad, by saying that parliamentary standing orders explicitly gave the Prime Minister powers to call and set the agenda for special sittings.

But after the opposition continued to heckle him, he announced that "I disagree with everything that the honourable members have said".

The King had "expressed the view that Parliament must meet as soon as possible", according to a statement from the Palace last month.

"This is to ensure emergency ordinances and the National Recovery Plan can be debated by MPs," the Palace said on June 16, after a week-long series of meetings during which the Sultan of Pahang met leaders of major political parties, experts on the pandemic as well as eight other state rulers.

But the government is set only to brief MPs on the National Recovery Plan over the coming week and take questions but not allow a vote on the proposal, while the ordinances have been tabled but will not be discussed at all.

It is unclear if the emergency will be debated then, as de facto Law Minister Takiyuddin Hassan told the House that the government will not seek an extension and that all ordinances gazetted have been revoked as of last Wednesday.

The Kota Bharu MP also pointed out that according to the Premier's notice to the Speaker, "the King has consented to the special sitting".

This raised even more protests from the opposition, which insisted that such a withdrawal of the ordinances was improper as a motion needed to be brought to Parliament.

Earlier, Tun Dr Mahathir accused his successor of ignoring the King's decree by refusing to allow a debate while "each day, each hour, problems mount" in Malaysia's coronavirus crisis.

"We already know the government's plan, and we know it has failed. The burden of Covid-19 was the reason for the emergency, yet it was not tabled for debate on how to overcome (the pandemic)," he said.

(google translation)


マレーシアの非常事態宣言は、8月1日に期限が切れるが その後は延長されない、と政府は月曜日(7月26日)に述べた。  7ヶ月間続いた非常事態宣言は終了する。

急増するCovid-19感染に取り組むために、1月に非常事態が宣言されて以来、議会は事実上停止されていた。 しかし、コロナ危機は悪化しただけだ。





野党党首のアンワル・イブラヒムは首相を「反逆/裏切り行為だ」と非難した上で、『1月11日からの非常事態宣言以降、開催されていなかった国会について、国王は議会を再開するように要請したのだ。 緊急事態として臨時の通常国会としてで質疑/討議/投票のある形で運営されるべきだ。』と主張した。 


アズハル議長(Datuk Azhar)は、マハティール前首相(Mahathir Mohamad)ほか、何人かの野党議員に対し、「議会の常任命令により、首相には特別議会の議題を設定し、召集する権限が明示的に与えられている」 と述べた。



「これは緊急事態下の緊急条例と国家復興計画が議員によって議論されることを確実にするためである」と宮殿は6月16日にコメントした。 このコメントは、パハン州のスルタンが1週間に渡って、主要な政党の指導者/パンデミック専門家/他の8つの州のスルタン達 と行った一連の会議の後に 発表されたコメントだ。。 




これは野党からさらに多くの抗議を引き起こし、条例の撤回/取り消し は 議会に動議を提出する必要があるため、そのような投票を経ない条例の撤回は不適切であると主張した。

以前、マハティール前首相(Tun Dr Mahathir)は、『マレーシアのコロナウイルス危機で「毎日、毎時、問題が山積している」間、討論を許可することを拒否したことにより、彼の後継者(現首相)が国王の命令を無視した』と非難した。




以上 (7/26記)


サリマに 「一体どういう事だ?/ What does this mean?」と FBメッセンジャーで聞いてみた。

「MP (Malaysian People)がコロナと闘っている一方、別のMP(Member of Parliament:国会議員)は 議席争いで闘っている、ということですネ、」 と付け加えた。

サリマからは 「政争にはウンザリだ、まるで子供のケンカだ」と返事が来た。

以上 (7/26記)